Apex Testing — Part 1

3 min readDec 21, 2022


… Write better tests

Apex testing is a crucial part of the development process in the Salesforce ecosystem. Proper testing ensures that your Apex code is reliable and performs as expected, and it helps you catch and fix errors early on. In this blog, we’ll go over some best practices for Apex testing to help you create high-quality, maintainable code.

  1. Write tests for all code

It’s important to write tests for all of your Apex code, including triggers, classes, and controllers. This helps ensure that your code is working correctly and that any changes you make in the future don’t break existing functionality.

2. Use test methods to validate results

Test methods should be used to validate that your code is producing the correct results. This can include checking that a particular trigger is fired when it should be, or that a class is returning the expected results.

3. Use test data to simulate real-world scenarios

To test your code effectively, it’s important to use test data that simulate real-world scenarios. This can include creating records with various field values or using different types of users to test additional user permissions.

4. Use the @isTest annotation

The @isTest annotation is used to mark a class or method as a test class or test method, respectively. This helps the Salesforce platform know which classes and methods are used for testing, and it ensures that your test code doesn’t count toward your organization’s code size limits.

5. Use the System.runAs() method to test user permissions

The System.runAs() method allows you to test your code using different user permissions. This is particularly useful for testing triggers and other code that may behave differently depending on the user’s permissions.

6. Follow the “Arrange, Act, Assert” pattern

The “Arrange, Act, Assert” pattern is a common way to structure test methods. In the “Arrange” section, you set up the test data and any necessary test objects. In the “Act” section, you execute the code you want to test. In the “Assert” section, you validate that the code produced the expected results.

7. Use the assert() methods to validate results

The assert() methods are used to validate the results of your test code. There are several different types of assert() methods available, including assertEquals(), assertNotEquals(), and assertNotNull().

8. Use the SeeAllData=true annotation sparingly

The SeeAllData=true annotation allows your test code to see all of the data in your organization, rather than just the test data that you’ve created. While this can be useful in some cases, it’s essential to use it sparingly as it can make your test code more brittle and harder to maintain.

Following best practices for testing in Apex, can help you create reliable, maintainable code that performs as expected. This includes writing tests for all of your code, using test methods to validate results, using test data to simulate real-world scenarios, and following the “Arrange, Act, Assert” pattern. By following these practices, you can ensure that your Apex code is of the highest quality and ready for deployment.

Part 2 will throw light on what are the different types of tests Salesforce recommends and how to build them using the “Arrange, Act, Assert” pattern.

Useful References




Technology enthusiast. I like to share my experience, learning and experiments on variety of tech topics. Salesforce, Cloud, AI, Machine Learning, Web3